Our ECO-Tours are taking two divergent paths. On the one hand, there is the digital realm within which we seek to reach outward, bringing you opportunities to confront the issues that we see as relevant to creating a more sustainable world, wherever you may be. This is in fact moving along at a fairly good rate. I realized long ago that to move our bodies across the surface of the planet in search of inner peace is a bit like changing a tire before it goes flat. What we seek is most often beyond the realm of time and space, but the distractions that we face daily makes this a bit hard to understand. We all have to face toxic situations, environmental factors and attitudes wherever we are, but we are not always aware of just what is bringing disharmony to our situations, so getting distance, physical or otherwise from our situations can often be a way to gain perspective and more resolve to undertake positive change.
The other part of our effort is to create a healing place, an actual physical location that those who wish to immerse themselves in a living system of healing can come. There are certain challenges that face us in each and every environment on the planet and when the burdens imposed by your place seem untenable, getting away from "it all" (or most of it) can lead to clarity, steel our resolve, make us more acutely aware of things than either need to change, or that need to be changed within our selves so that we can become healthier and more able to continue to grow in spite of our difficult position. This healing place will be open to all, sustainably developed and provide opportunities for learning, growth and retreat-like conditions where we can work with individuals and groups to foster their unique path to healing.
I have been traveling around a bit, making connections with other healers. speaking to individuals and groups about sustainability and explaining the dream of a spot like this fort a while. What is interesting is that we began ECO-Tours as a way to heal the planet and the healing that we have spurred has brought us right back to seeing the healing effects on our selves and our participants as well. Unity, rather than division has come more clearly into focus. Cooperation amongst our participants has led to changing the micro-climate on the ground in discreet locations to be sure, but the changes in our hearts and minds has led to positive changes as well. I have "spoken" at length here about ways in which we have made the places we plant better, but the changes we have helped spur within our participants should not be ignored. We want to expand our efforts to many more individuals and having a specific place that is open and available for teaching/learning, growth & healing, as well as fun and games can be a valuable tool that can be used by our guests and campers alike to realize the necessity of co-operation, their own strengths and weaknesses and help them to grasp the depth of our reliance on our intact planet.
As many of you know, there is no magic bullet that can kill the beast that is at war with the Earth. There is no single therapy that can heal the wounds that we suffer at the hands of the greedy, ignorant or misguided. The camp/resort that we envision will be a place for many healing modalities can come together under one figurative roof, enhancing the effectiveness of each by having them work together in synergistic ways. To this end, we offer ourselves. We will gladly continue to be agents of positive change that we see blossoming all around us. We will continue to spread the word about our healing retreat center. Under the umbrella that we are in the process of creating, we will offer adventure, a site for pilgrimage, a school of sustainability and center for the healing arts. There will be art, science, theater and dance, music and crafts that are integrated into our lives rather than considered separate from it. If you know of someone who would be interested in participating in such a program or supporting such a development, by all means turn them on to this site. Have them contact our director, Tony C. Saladino through facebook or by e-mail at: tnsalaino42@hotmail.com
If you would like to donate to us directly, you can use our Paypal account that is the same as the e-mail.
All great voyages start with a first step. May this be yours! Blessed Be and Namaste'
The other part of our effort is to create a healing place, an actual physical location that those who wish to immerse themselves in a living system of healing can come. There are certain challenges that face us in each and every environment on the planet and when the burdens imposed by your place seem untenable, getting away from "it all" (or most of it) can lead to clarity, steel our resolve, make us more acutely aware of things than either need to change, or that need to be changed within our selves so that we can become healthier and more able to continue to grow in spite of our difficult position. This healing place will be open to all, sustainably developed and provide opportunities for learning, growth and retreat-like conditions where we can work with individuals and groups to foster their unique path to healing.
I have been traveling around a bit, making connections with other healers. speaking to individuals and groups about sustainability and explaining the dream of a spot like this fort a while. What is interesting is that we began ECO-Tours as a way to heal the planet and the healing that we have spurred has brought us right back to seeing the healing effects on our selves and our participants as well. Unity, rather than division has come more clearly into focus. Cooperation amongst our participants has led to changing the micro-climate on the ground in discreet locations to be sure, but the changes in our hearts and minds has led to positive changes as well. I have "spoken" at length here about ways in which we have made the places we plant better, but the changes we have helped spur within our participants should not be ignored. We want to expand our efforts to many more individuals and having a specific place that is open and available for teaching/learning, growth & healing, as well as fun and games can be a valuable tool that can be used by our guests and campers alike to realize the necessity of co-operation, their own strengths and weaknesses and help them to grasp the depth of our reliance on our intact planet.
As many of you know, there is no magic bullet that can kill the beast that is at war with the Earth. There is no single therapy that can heal the wounds that we suffer at the hands of the greedy, ignorant or misguided. The camp/resort that we envision will be a place for many healing modalities can come together under one figurative roof, enhancing the effectiveness of each by having them work together in synergistic ways. To this end, we offer ourselves. We will gladly continue to be agents of positive change that we see blossoming all around us. We will continue to spread the word about our healing retreat center. Under the umbrella that we are in the process of creating, we will offer adventure, a site for pilgrimage, a school of sustainability and center for the healing arts. There will be art, science, theater and dance, music and crafts that are integrated into our lives rather than considered separate from it. If you know of someone who would be interested in participating in such a program or supporting such a development, by all means turn them on to this site. Have them contact our director, Tony C. Saladino through facebook or by e-mail at: tnsalaino42@hotmail.com
If you would like to donate to us directly, you can use our Paypal account that is the same as the e-mail.
All great voyages start with a first step. May this be yours! Blessed Be and Namaste'
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